Fly Tying Class 2018
The fly-tying class this year will begin on Thursday, January 4th and will continue every Thursday night until March 8th. The only night the class will be unavailable is February 8th because tha t time slot was already taken. That session will be made up at the end of the 10 weeks. The classes will be held in the community room at basic Foods in Janesville, right across the street from Toys R Us and next to the Mounds Pet Food Center. The classes will begin at 5:30p.m. and continue until 8:00p.m. Don Studt and Ron machejewski have volunteered to teach the classes. If you have any questions, you may call Don Studt at 608-751-0302. The first 7 weeks you will learn to tie various patterns and learn the importance of how to layer the materials to achieve the desired outcome. The last 3 weeks you will be able to tie any pattern you wish to or review the paterns you were taught to tie. The cost for the class is $20.00 dollars and you may pay the night of the first class. Fly-tying kits and materials will be provided by the Chapter. See you there!!!!
Thank you
Terry Vaughn
Chapter President